Balance and self-care

Balance and Self-Care
balance and self-care

One of the great eight – week programs that we are able to offer our special clients is for burn-out, fatigue etc. and is a beautiful balance and self-care life coaching program.

We live in a society that loves achievement, qualifications, status and success. Some people work themselves extremely hard to get there – ignoring what their bodies and minds are telling them. But, what’s the point of success or a great career if you’re always stressed, overwhelmed and don’t see much of your family and friends? Or are grumpy or tired when you do see them?

Sadly, we live in a society where life balance and self-care are often seen as ‘soft’ requirements. Something high achievers feel that they don’t or shouldn’t need. We get the message that we should just be able to soldier on through illness and stress…being told that if we take a holiday, go on a break, have a bubble bath or sleep-in on Sundays that all will be well again. After all, a successful person should have this under control isn’t it? Too much self-care is seen as a sign of weakness or perhaps selfish or indulgent.

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Well, as coaches we know this isn’t the case. Taking time for yourself; treating yourself; is not selfish. In fact, it is an absolute necessity! At Ctrl-Alt-Renew Life Coaching, we look at the whole person. Your whole life in context. After all, without self-care and life balance, life can be pretty miserable and lack joy and substance.


Renewal is achieved through self-healing in three key aspects of life:

  1. Body
  2. Mind
  3. Spirit

All three aspects are inextricably connected and operate as a single, holistic, conscious organism.

When renewal – which is how nature created us – is achieved in the whole self, the body will feel joyful and energetic; the mind will be reflective and alert; and the spirit will span into bliss (lightness of being).

We take a look at our clients’ holistic needs. Do you know where is your energy is being drained? What’s getting in your way? Are you too comfortable and going nowhere? Are you actually enjoying your life? Or, are you constantly pushing yourself, so that “comfort” or “balance” is a passing thought? And what about you? Do you take care of yourself?

This amazing 8-week program on Balance and Self-care is available at the lockdown price of R2,400-00!

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Yours in kindness,


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