Career Life Coaching and it’s 3 benefits

Career Life Coaching

What is career life coaching?

Our career life coaching goal is to empower our clients by helping them make informed decisions about their trajectory. It’s all about finding solutions for their career decisions.

As coaches, we will focus on results, actions and accountability.  We start where our client is right now and give them the tools to move forward in their careers when they feel stuck, challenged or in need of a career change.

The great thing about coaching is that it is most commonly done online. This allows our clients to fit us into their schedules easily. We use Zoom, Skype or telephone calls to interact with our clients.

Career life coaching can be done at any point during the work life of a client. It can go from finding a student job at the very beginning of your career, building a new CV, negotiating specific conditions, to guiding you towards your next career step or transition, or even to retiring.

Career life coaching will give you the tools and mindset to make smart professional decisions. We’ll focus on which opportunities exist, what you are good at and what you want from life. We will also help you refine your next career step and setting out a clear path towards success. As your coach, we will give you the keys to assess your current career situation and identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

What are the benefits of career life coaching?

Career life coaching is valuable in many ways.

  • You will receive personalized, unbiased expert advice that is tailored to your specific situation. 
  • You dedicate time to focus on your career. It’s quite common among professionals to have the desire to revisit their career and take on new challenges, but most fail to make time to work on it due to their daily routine.
  • You get to test new ideas and messages in a safe environment. Career coaching is a fantastic opportunity to test and improve your pitch.

You will gain the confidence needed to build smart and convincing strategies to prove you’re the best candidate for your current or new career path. With a career coach you will have well-defined, realistic goals and a clear action plan, which will make it easier to organize yourself and work towards your career objectives.

career life coaching

What not to expect from a career life coaching program?

  • We are facilitators only and will never tell you what to do with your life. The responsibility of your life falls on you.
  • We’ll give you the keys to discover what you want. However, much like a gym instructor, we cannot use them for you. You will need to do the work and be accountable for your career decisions.
  • Don’t expect to not be challenged by us. As your coach, we’ll make sure your career project is solid by challenging your initial ideas. Be open to challenges!

Coaching does not work unless you do. We can’t go with you to interviews, nor will we find you a job or rewrite your CV every time you need to update it. However, we’ll assist you with your career challenges and job application processes. But won’t do it for you. Be prepared to take action!

What to expect from career life coaching?

From our good career coaching service, you should develop the tools to solve any conflict or doubt regarding your career. In general, you should be able to:

  • Find your bliss
  • Gain career confidence and inspiration
  • Be able to sell yourself in a compelling manner
  • Know your next career step and how to work towards it
  • Be able to highlight your strengths and minimize your weaknesses

So now you know about career coaching, what you can expect from it, and that you need some support.

Our career life coaching 8-week program will help you identify your work or career values – what’s most important to you in your work life.  One definition of fulfilment is simply ‘living your values’. It therefore makes sense that to feel fulfilled in our work, we need to make sure that our work aligns with our values too.

Why does this matter? Well, knowing your work values enables you to understand what drives and motivates you while at work. It also helps clarify what you may want to avoid in the workplace. And once you’re clear on your work values (whether you’re looking at a new role, career change or just looking for ways to improve your current situation), you can do so in an informed manner. Knowing your work values will enable you to choose roles, careers and activities at work that support and enhance your values – and avoid those that contradict them.

Note: Your work values change over time (just as your personal values do). They shift as you understand yourself better and as your priorities in life change. Values are always moving, and this is why we can ‘outgrow’ a job or role that initially suited us.

So, no more delays! The timing is perfect as we near the end of 2020. This has been one heck of a year and you can take control for 2021 by booking this program with us. Contact us to start the New Year off on the right career foot.

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We’d love to be your partner in career coaching so please contact us by hitting the WhatsApp button below.

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Yours in kindness, Taz.

Most of our own information was used to write this article. However, a little info was scouted from Google.

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