Confidence Coaching – 4 reasons why you should do it!

Confidence Coaching

What is confidence coaching?

Confidence coaching is a technique of coaching which helps you in raising your self-esteem, and part of that means getting you to create a positive outlook on yourself and life – which all starts from within. The goal is to get you to challenge all your limiting beliefs that you have about yourself, boost your self-esteem and build a strong self-image.

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the meaning of the word confidence is:

the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in peopleplans, or the future

So, the purpose of working with a confidence coach is to help you get to know yourself better and express yourself more authentically in the world: Who are you? What do you love? What really matters to you? What do you value most about yourself? Where might you be sabotaging yourself?

Because all change actually starts with you!

To achieve success in life – with the most ease – you need to be congruent. Being congruent is when your actions align with your values and who you truly are.

Believing in yourself will ultimately propel you forward in your dreams and happiness.

Why hire a Confidence Coach?

Successful people have always had a coach of some sorts on their team!

  1. The best of the best have coaches – athletes, performers, entrepreneurs, leaders and anyone at the top of their field knows that a coach is an invaluable resource if you want to achieve your goals, be accountable and stay motivated.
  2. A coach will help you see things that you might not quite be in a place to see objectively at the time and offer a different perspective to always get more out of you – more than you could have achieved on your own.
  3. We are your safe place and will always be on your side.
  4. We coach with no judgment, no opinion, no criticism and no biased attachment to the outcome of your choices and decisions.

It’s just like working with a personal trainer at the gym for your physical body. We’ll give you tools and exercises to do for your own personal growth emotionally and physiologically.

And you and your life are no different!

So if you’d trust a trainer to help you with your fitness targets, why not engage a confidence coach to help you get clear on your goals, stay on track and live your best life possible?

It is proven to work!

You spend so much time, energy and money investing in all areas of your life – homes, cars, careers, education, relationships, travel etc. – but very rarely do you think to invest in the thing that should come first and be most important…


Do you know what confidence is?

Confidence has nothing to do with what is happening in your outer life. It’s always generated from within.

I have written in detail about self-confidence previously. Please feel free to read the article below:

If you feel that you could benefit from confidence coaching or would just like to get to know yourself better, please contact me today!

I have a special running on the 8 Week Program’s for the next couple of weeks and the Self-Discovery or Balance and Self-Care courses are fantastic ones to do to gain confidence!!

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Yours in kindness,


Do you need a life coach?

All about General Life Coaching

*Some info grabbed off Google

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