Goal Setting

Most people don’t know about goal setting. They set goals and never or seldom revisit them. We all have a vision inside of us of what our lives should or must look like, however without setting it out as a goal, it will just stay inside of us. Everyone we speak too will tell us that setting goals are important, but very few know how important. Most of us move through our life without direction. There are many benefits and advantages to always having a set of goals which one can look at.

Goals help trigger new ideas and behaviours and they keep us focused and guide us.

You cannot manage what you cannot measure, you cannot improve upon anything that you don’t properly manage.

Setting goals is a process that changes over time. The goals we set in our twenties will most likely be very different from the goals we set in our forties or fifties.

Goal setting can help with many things in our lives.

When people have a vision for their lives it makes everything easier, from goal setting, prioritising actions and day-to-day activities, to making tough decisions. In addition, when goals align with the vision that we have for our life – and what’s most important – we’re more motivated.

When we set goals, we need to be specific and clear about what we want, we also need to be clear on why we want it. That is why, when we set goals, we must set SMART GOALS.

Smart Goals, what are smart goals:

  • S              Specific
  • M            Measurable
  • A             Attainable
  • R             Relevant
  • T              Time     

Every goal should be SET with the above answered.

There is a quote from ZIG ZIGLAR, if you aim at nothing, you will hit every time.

goal setting

Ctrl-Alt-Renew Life Coaching has a set of tools to assist you with goal setting so give us a call!   

Please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions you may have,

Fabian’s contact info

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