Boost your Productivity now and become good at time management

Productivity & time management

In our modern age of busy-ness, we are more distracted than ever before! Productivity and good time management have become difficult to master as we have become more and more consumed with instant gratification.

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Stop feeling like a hamster on a hamster wheel that’s getting nowhere!

We have become addicted to entertainment and can easily replace anything or anyone almost immediately – and with a few simple clicks.

We don’t seem to be resolving our conflicts or issues because walking away is just the norm now. But then we wonder why our lives are stagnant and a mess?

There are other people who work themselves extremely hard to make a success of their lives, but are they working effectively? We could all be more productive and manage our time better!

We need to fall in love with education again and stop staying addicted to distractions! Leaders, business owners / entrepreneurs / CEO’s all love and adore education. They are constantly learning and growing. The TV, movies, social media – IG / FB / TikTok / Twitter – are all things that these people either farm out, hate, or run away from. They do it…but nowhere near to the same degree that most of the population does. And there is a reason for that. They want to just do and achieve more!

Steve Jobs actively studied his industry inside and out before he became the success he was.

Sting (and many other artists) studied accounting so that he could understand what was happening with his finances.

Eckhart Tolle tells us that we should wake up each day willing to be a student.

I’m not talking about superficial, quick learning here. I’m suggesting a deep implementation of awareness. Each and every SINGLE day.

People want what they want to fall into their laps. That is not mastery or being a master. You have to do the work if you want to see change in your life.

Anyone can teach you many time management tricks and techniques, but without awareness – the core knowledge of who, what and how you are – you’re going to continue to make the same mistakes that have most probably recycled through your life over and over again.

We’ll make you aware of the key foundational ways that you are sabotaging yourself and help you to become the master of your time and life.

We can also guide you to understand your priorities and get you working on them first so that your life is no longer filled up with less important things. Part of our job is to hold you accountable for your choices, but we’ll give you tools to help you become responsible.

Ultimately, a life filled with unimportant things leaves you with a lack of satisfaction – and that is why so many people come to coaching now.

On the other hand, we also understand that life is not all about productivity and being effective. There are many other important things like relationships, inner peace, balance, fun and play and being in service to others. Our program is not intended to promote that we work ever harder and harder to achieve more and more. We know all about harmony and balance and therefore our approach is a holistic one for you to become more effective with the time you have.

We get that your priorities in life are a mixture of both work and personal. So, the purpose of our Productivity and Time Management program is to help you become more productive and reduce your stress through better time, action and priority management.

Our 8 week program will help you by:

  • Introducing prioritizing concepts to you
  • Then taking a look at getting you focused
  • And, finally, we’ll raise YOUR awareness
Boost your productivity

Boost your productivity

We’ll introduce key time management concepts to you and give you the tools and techniques to get you focused on the important stuff. All the tools we’ll introduce to you will be incredibly useful to your awareness journey that we’ll walk with you on, especially if you are trying to manage multiple competing issues and demands that are placed on you and / or your time.

Please click here to get more information or contact me directly if you have any questions you’d like me to answer.

Yours in kindness,



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