2021 is time to live the life you love!

2021 is time to live the life you love!
Success is more than just money 2 scaled 1

We want you to LOVE your life and to LIVE the life you love in 2021!

We have entered into a new year and it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate yourself and your life. 2020 is done…over…finished and nothing can be done to change what happened. Our only option now is forward. And our theme for 2021 is RENEWAL. We can help you to build a life that you absolutely love. One that has purpose and meaning.

As people, we spend a lot investing in ‘things’ outside of ourselves. Work, family, business, socialising and community are the most common places that we invest in. This is done emotionally, physically and financially. Why not change that this year? The greatest way you can build a life you love and renew every aspect is by spending 2021 investing in yourself?

Fill your own cup first and then allow the overflow of your cup to bless and help everyone else.

Ctrl-Alt-Renew Life Coaching

Renew Yourself!


Renewal is achieved through self-healing in three key aspects of life:

  1. Body
  2. Mind
  3. Spirit

All three aspects are inextricably connected, and you can’t do one without the other.

So, once renewal is achieved, the body will feel joyful and energetic; the mind will be reflective and alert; and the spirit will span into bliss.

And there is nothing that renews our lives as much as love! The love we give ourselves and share with others adds deep purpose and meaning to everyday existence. 

However, pursuing love as a set of outer circumstances and personality traits will never bring us the feeling of completeness and purpose that genuine love will.

The love we seek must first be the love we find within our deepest level of being. The most fortunate people are those who are loving and feel loved in themselves…needing no validation from the outside.  Love grows out of experiencing inner peace and joy repeatedly. You will find meaning and purpose through love. Through self-realisation. Self-realisation means: the true self knowing itself. The more love you have, the more you will be able to give to others. This is a reality of peace, possibility, and ever-present love.

People come to coaching wanting more from life. They want to find their path in these busy lives of ours. It’s good to take stock, clear out the clutter and get re-energised about your life.

The Renew YOU, Love Your Life! coaching program will help you do just that.

This 90-day program is a powerful combination of traditional coaching towards client-set goals and completing home sheets and exercises that help you reconnect to yourself, get re-energised, clear out the mental clutter and set meaningful short-term goals. This process renews you and helps you reconnect to and love your life!

About our Renew You! Program:

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PROGRAM LENGTH: The program covers approximately 90 Days – 13 Weekly sessions over a 3 Month period.
GROUP COACHING: Yes, we can absolutely also use the materials in this program for a Group Coaching Program if you have a group of work colleagues, friends or family members that are all interested!

Program outline:

• In Month 1 you will set some
goals of your own for coaching, take stock of your life, discover
what makes your heart sing and begin
taking action.
• In Month 2 you will “spring
clean” your life – letting go of what no
longer serves, review your
relationships and what zaps your
• In Month 3 you will identify a
spark team – people who support,
inspire and encourage you, as well as
setting up supportive daily habits and
design meaningful goals to set
yourself up for the next 3 months.


This program is a great process to raise your awareness around what you really love, where you get in your own way and to set meaningful goals going forward.

Finally, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is the relationship we build together – and we give our word to being present with you during your coaching and as you learn and grow!

All you need do is trust yourself, and trust the coaching process…

Ultimately, YOU are the creator of your new life in 2021. Get out there, make a difference and shine on!

Renew YOU Coaching Program QUOTE Graphic Week 13

In light of it being a new year and in the spirit of giving, we have decided to offer this renewal program at a special price for a limited time to any and all that are craving a better 2021.

*Please contact us for our special 40% discount when you book in the months of January and February 2021 only*

live the life you love

Yours in kindness always, Taz

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