Meditation and / or Prayer – The Final Step to a Happier Life

Meditation and / or Prayer

Meditation and / or Prayer – The Final Step to a Happier Life

Meditation and / or Prayer – The Final Step to a Happier Life

Connection is one of the most important things to humans.

If we don’t connect to our caregiver as a baby we could die. We need to connect to survive. Connection to a higher power can greatly benefit you, your everyday feelings, and your life. I use the words, The Divine Beloved, but feel free to use whatever if comfortable for you personally. Being connected to The Divine Beloved ensures that we live an intentional life. We make decisions that come from love. We are able to share our wisdoms with others.

Here are Some  Benefits of Connection:

1. Trust Your Decisions

Sometimes it seems easier to either control or fight our feelings rather than letting them just be. By being in connection with The Divine, we are able to trust that whatever comes at us, we have all the tools to make the best decision for ourselves in that moment. Instead of trying to control everything, we are able to surrender into the unknown and have perfect faith that even the bumps in the road will lead us to where we need to be – better than before.

2. Unity

We can stay stuck in a low vibration; we believe we are alone with no support. Connecting makes us realise that we are in fact not alone but are constantly supported by the Divine at all. We feel whatever situation we are in is permanent and there is no way out, but that is never the truth. Our connection with the Divine will be proof that everything is everchanging. There is no separation from you and anything in this world – we are all a vibration after all.

3. Ascend Your Consciousness

Regardless of what is happening on the physical plane, it is important to turn inward and form a deep connection with  The Divine so that we are able to ascend our consciousness on a daily basis. There are many practices that can help us do this such as meditation, prayer, journaling, following our intuition, aligning our chakras, yoga, doing energy work, etc. The list is endless but each one of us should find what resonates the best for us. The hardest part about incorporating a daily practice into our lives is that it has to be something we enjoy- it should never feel forced.

4. Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Some of our stress and anxiety can come from our ego fighting to keep us in a place of security. Our ego’s main job is to keep us safe and alive, which means staying in our current circumstances (no matter how miserable) because it knows that we can live through it because we’re currently doing it. The push and pull from our ego and conscious mind are enough to send us into overdrive. Connection with The Divine can help retrain our subconscious mind by allowing ourselves to be in a state of gratitude constantly. We’ll know that all that is meant to work out, will.


How do you connect?

  1. Mindfulness. Sitting quietly to appreciate the moment can lead us to hear some intuitive direction.
  2. Journaling. There is something magical about writing our innermost feelings out merely for ourselves to read and process.
  3. Meditation or prayer.
  4. Exercise.
  5. Nature.
  6. Being in service of others.
med and prayers
For those of you that are interested, here is a meditation practise example.

1. Sit Quietly

Find a calm, quiet spot to spend some time in. Set your intention to make contact with your Divine and to receive positive energy, love, inspiration, and all the transformation, awareness, and gifts It is always offering you. Silence is a vital factor in this process, as the connection with The Divine goes beyond the mind and physical body. 

Rid yourself of as many distractions as possible.

2. Let Your Thoughts Go

Release any negative thought patterns swimming around in your mind and imagine that you are unconditional love looking out through your eyes. Sense the “I” within you that is always present. The observer. Bring your mind to a state of inner stillness, with nothing to do or think about, even if just for a moment. Let go of any thoughts about the outer world and go within.

3. Speak to The Divine

If you want to try, ask for guidance, an insight, or an answer as you enter into the silence. You can do this aloud or just in your mind. It is in moments of silence that communication can be imparted to you.

Notice what new thoughts you have after these moments of silence.

4. Be Open and Receptive

Afterward, you may receive an inner message that may feel like you giving yourself a message, which is normal. Contact may come through a sense of energy, peace, an inner knowing, an answer, a deeper breath, or in many other ways. It is fine if you do not have any response you can feel or identify; know that contact has been made simply through your intention to make contact. With this, some insight, extra energy, or inspiration has been imparted to you that will unfold at the perfect time.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing this meditation. Even pausing briefly during a busy day to get quiet and ask for energy or guidance is a wonderful way to deepen contact with your Divine.

The BEST life coach

I have honestly loved writing this series and I truly hope that you have received an abundance of benefits from it.

If you are interested in coaching with me, please view our offerings or contact us.

Yours in kindness,


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