Spreading Kindness August 2020 Give-away

August Giveaway

Each quarter we are honored to give back to our beautiful community and absolutely love spreading kindness by gifting a free life coaching course to someone who feels they may be in need of it.

Renewal is achieved through self-healing in three key aspects of life:




All three aspects are inextricably connected and operate as a single, holistic, conscious organism.

When renewal – which is how nature created us – is achieved in the whole self, the body will feel joyful and energetic; the mind will be reflective and alert; and the spirit will span into bliss (lightness of being).”

Deepak Chopra

We usually do this via a contest where we encourage people to sign up to our blog – because our goal is to reach as much of humanity and help as many as we can – and then a live draw takes place after the 30 days where I announce the lucky winner.

However, this time I have decided to change two things.

Firstly, we tend to giveaway a certain life coaching program, but this time I have decided to tailor make it to suite the winners’ personal needs and renewal requirements.

And, secondly, I wish to make it available to the people who are already on the blog’s mailing list as well.

People Like you!

So, if you feel challenged in any area of your life that you know needs some renewing, and would love to win some life coaching targeting that specific area – because who just doesn’t want to be a winner and get free goodies!!!then all you need to do is sign up.

spreading kindness

or email me on taz@ctrl-alt-renewlifecoaching.com

or WhatsApp me on +27 72 159 6142

and I will add your name to the draw.


It is that simple and easy.

Renew YOU Coaching Program QUOTE Graphic Week 5

Allow us the privilege of helping you to thrive instead of surviving.

See you live on Facebook on Wednesday the 2nd of September at 1.30pm GMT+2 for the draw.

Can’t make that time and date? No need to worry because I will also email the lucky person personally.

Please help us to spread and share a little kindness by forwarding this to friends, family or colleagues whom you feel may benefit from life coaching.

Thank you ????

Next times blog post is all about how the covid-19 pandemic affected me personally, so make sure to keep an eye out for it.

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As always

Yours in kindness


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