Take time out for yourself


Next month is my birthday and – unfortunately – the time of the year where I start to feel burnt out. 2020 has been a doozy of a year for all of us and we all need to take time out for ourselves to rejuvenate our souls. In October, I will be taking a 2 week sabbatical where I will take some time out for myself. Now this just means that I will retreat to my ‘happy place’ for 15 days. My presence on social media will be reduced, I will not take on new clients and I will concentrate all my efforts on renewing my spirit.

Please note* All the beautiful beings that I am currently life coaching will not be affected and your sessions will continue to take place. My Facebook LIVE video every alternative Wednesday @ 12pm will also continue. It’s all about wonderful balance!

Definition of take time out:

to stop doing what one is doing in order to do something else for a while

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What’s your happy place?

Do you have a happy place? Mine is the ocean. I don’t care where in the world it is, as long as I am at the sea, then I am an incredibly happy human.

For me the salt water; sea breeze; beach sand holds my soul in their presence and have a very healing effect on my personal wellbeing. The ocean refreshes all of me and I literally feel like a teeny tiny part of me grieves every time I leave her.

Okay, so you may not be in a position where you can take 2 weeks like me! What about 1 day? Or a half a day? Go sit at the lake or dam. Visit a spa for some body treatment. It is so important to feed our souls! Whatever place brings you grounding and balance, make that your happy place.

We are all different. Some people find true solace in their own homes. Or maybe it’s the mountains for you? My husband loves the bush and enjoys going hunting with the guys. Think back to when you were a kid. Be inspired by your unhabituated youthful self. Where did you love to go when you were a child? Where nothing felt like an effort. When we feel drained of energy and everything becomes a strain, you are being nudged to take time out!

The key is to listen to your body.

take time out

Is it selfish?

We have been raised in as society where the focus is moved away from each one of us taking care of ourselves first and foremost. Girls are taught that putting themselves first is plain selfish. It is modelled to us by our own caregivers how our husbands, partners, children, colleagues and so on should take preference over our own sanity.

Boys are taught they need to go out and be the breadwinner. To slave tirelessly in order to bring home the bacon.

We are all taught in school how to work hard. No one took the time to show us that working smart is far more optimal! We spend our lives sacrificing ourselves in service of what we think other people want us to be – our families and even our careers.

Well, I am telling you today that’s all hogwash. How do you truly give of yourself to help others’ when you have nothing in your own tank? You need to fill your own cup sufficiently so that the overflow goes to everyone else. Balance in all areas of your life is a fundamental requirement to your overall wellbeing.

The first step to that is building (and maintaining) and relationship with yourself!

Every single morning of my life I remind myself of 3 little things:

  • self-love
  • self-respect and
  • self-empowerment

and every day the meanings of those 3 little things can change for me. It is a reminder to myself that I need to come first.


What do you do in this place?

For me I enjoy some alone and quiet time. I do self-reflection and contemplation on the important stuff in my life. A change in my routine is rejoicing for me because I am a stickler about schedules. I make sure I do what I love and drop everything else. (You know…all those ‘chores’ that make your life work but that you arbore! Hahaha)

I sit by the ocean and breathe it all in. Take a walk along the beach. Meditate on the beach. I retract into my own little world and I enjoy. Swim in the sea. Lay in the sun and get loads of Vitamin D. Listen to relaxing music.

Whatever soothes you, do that!

A little piece of paradise.

The practise of self-care is vitally important!

My next blog post will only be published on the 20th of October – after my mini break.

Until then,

Yours in kindness,


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